We spent a wonderful Christmas Eve among some great friends. The kids made cookies for Santa and played with their friends while the adults chatted, ate good food, and played games. It was perfect! We came home and read the Christmas story from the Bible as a family and each opened one present. The boys all got new jammies of course! :) From our clan to yours... enjoy your Christmas Eve and have a safe and merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Quit looking at the nasty hand prints on my walls... and look at how cute my boys are! ;)
Connor saw me taking pictures and wanted to be in one. Notice how he is covering his undies for the picture... so thoughtful of him! :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dear Santa,
Connor's letter read:
Dear Santa,
Can I go in your workshop? What do elves look like?
I want:
1. a 4 wheeler (GOOD LUCK ON THAT ONE!)
2. Sorry Sliders (We already have 'Sorry'... do we really need two different versions of the same game?)
3. a Wii (Nope. Pretty sure Santa is not bringing you that either)
4. a soccer goal
5. Video games (Probably, but they are going to be video games for your "old" consoles. IE: Play Station 3 and Nintendo DS)
6. a Science Experiment (Do we really need a second mad scientist in this family? ;)
Why didn't the elf cross the road?
Because he didn't have the reindeer. (This is a joke he made up just for Santa)
Love, Connor
Eli's letter (with Seth's help) read:
Dear Santa,
Eli has been a good boy, for the most part. Anyway, we love him and think he should get presents in spite of everything.
This is what he wants:
1. a water gun
2. water to go in the water gun. (Is this really the brother of the kid who just asked for a 4 wheeler?)
3. fruit snacks (preferably Princess ones) (Don't ask!)
4. a DS. (You do a fine job of breaking your older brother's... I don't think we need to buy a second one for you to reek havoc on.)
5. A 'Yo Gabba Gabba' Game (No idea what he is talking about... he doesn't even like the show 'Yo Gabba Gabba'. I personally just think he likes to say the words, Yo Gabba Gabba! :)
6. Presents (why can't they just all ask for this?)
Love, Eli
Afterwards Connor kept saying, "Do you think Santa will really give me a 4 wheeler AND a Wii?"
To which I respond, "No."
And then he says very excitedly, "I don't either, but I hope he does!"
I hope come Christmas morning we don't have tears and a broken heart. :(
Photo Shoot
Thanks to our amazing and talented friend Jim Boud... we finally have some real family photos! If anyone wants contact info for him... let me know! :)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My Gramps
Gramps and me... 1981. (age 2)
It Snowed!
My cute little man!
Dallin didn't seem to care for the snow. He is a lot like a dog, I think. He was going nuts inside the house as he watched it fall down on the ground all day. Especially once Eli was out back and playing in it. But then once I actually bundled him up and took him out to play in it... he just wanted me to hold him. :)
Unfortunately I have no pics of Connor. Connor immediately got off the bus and started having a snowball fight with the neighborhood kids. They played out there for a good couple hours until their mitten-less hands were frozen solid. To which we invited Connor's pal, Rylan, over to spend the night, drink hot chocolate, order pizza, and watch a movie. My kind of day! :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
** Let It Snow! **
It is snowing here in Houston!! Let it snow, let it snow!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Naughty or Nice?
He whined and fussed a bit about the fact that he did not want Santa to watch him. (As he always does when I tell him this.) Clearly only the thought process of a NAUGHTY little boy. Most kids seem to like the idea that Santa will bring them presents if they are good. :)
A few hours later I went to use that same bathroom. This is what I found:
I guess Eli solved his own problem... because Santa certainly can't watch him now! ;)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
30 Days of Thanks Completed!!
I truly have become much more aware of the multiple blessings that are all around me through doing these simple posts.
But, that being said... I am also happy to start complaining again about all the things that bug me! ;)
Monday, November 30, 2009
29 Days of Thanks
28th Day of Gratitude
Friday, November 27, 2009
27th Day of Thanks
26th day of Thanks
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
The rest of the gang on Thanksgiving day. (Please don't hate because I have 5 chins and you don't!)
Convo with Eli
He thought for a moment and said, "Mmmm, a water gun." (Can you tell it is warm here all year round since my three year old is asking for a water gun in December?)
Then I said, "What else would you like him to bring you?"
He thinks a little more and says, "A water gun AND a Barbie house!"
Hahahaha. Seth didn't think this was very funny. :)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
25 days
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
24th Day of Thanks
23rd Day of Thanks... SLEEP!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
22 Days of Thanks
21 days of Thanks
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thanks #20
Today I am thankful for being able to take the boys (Eli and Dallin) with me to Connor's school for lunch. I decided to surprise Connor. He was thrilled! I loved seeing him run up to me with a huge smile on his face while waving his arms and throwing a big hug around my neck. It was one of those times when it feels SO awesome to be a mom! :) Dallin made a huge mess for someone to clean up and kept dropping food and insisted on eating it off the ground. Eli was just happy to be at "school" sitting there and observing all the "big" kids in their natural habitat... and Connor enjoyed eating all of his hot lunch and then most of his other two brothers packed lunches. Life is good!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Thanks #19
Feel better soon Victor!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
18th day of Thanks
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thanks #853
Monday the 16th:
I was thankful that even though I was not feeling well and ended up taking a hot bath and laying down... I had a husband who went ahead and carried out Family Home Evening and with out being asked. He just did some simple games of sardines (a family favorite) in the pitch dark and the boys loved it! After that they ate Halloween candy for the treat. Simple, easy, and fun! I feel like most of these posts are about my wonderful husband. Is everyone jealous yet? Because you should be! :)
Tuesday the 17th:
I am thankful my husband told me how beautiful he thinks I am.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Kids... You Gotta Love 'em?
Seth and the kids were feasting on their healthy dinner of french toast, bacon and hot chocolate. It was very painful for me to watch as Seth makes the BEST french toast! (Second only to a place in Portland where they took actual gooey cinnamon rolls and sliced them up, dipped them in batter, and then fried them into perfection. :) I, on the other hand, am sitting there and eating my chicken breast, celery and onion mixture on a low-carb, whole wheat wrap. (Doesn't sound very good after theirs does it?)
Connor (who is well aware of my dieting) turns to me and says, "Why are you dieting anyway, Mom? You look exactly the same. You aren't losing any weight."
WOW! Thanks for noticing Connor!
Talk about making me feel like crap in a matter of seconds! I look at Seth and he can see me on the verge of tears.
Seth quickly chimes in to try and make me feel better, "Mom has lost a lot of weight and she looks great!"
Thanks Sweetie... but the damage was done!
Apparently Connor did not get it all off his chest because he feels the need to add... "You should try to look like Jacob's mom. She is REALLY skinny AND tall!"
He is referring to his Aunt Heidi. For any of you who do not know my sister in law; she has birthed 4 children, is maybe 110 pounds and probably 5' 10''. Not to mention a total hottie! She is an anomaly!
So now "the dear" not only wants me to obtain a weight that I have not been since the 7th grade... but he wants me to GROW another 5 inches to top it off? At that point I was ready to let him MOVE IN with his Aunt Heidi!
I stopped eating my wrap.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Great Debate
Clutch has Connor in a head lock!
Trenty (the birthday boy) and Eli.
Connor with his good buddy Spencer (the other birthday boy).
Clutch came and played party games with the kids, put on a magic show, individually took pictures and autographed his newest Clutch story book for each of the kids and gave them all Rockets hats. The kids loved it!
The whole gang.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
#14 and #15
After attending a special fireside with Connor on how great it is going to be to turn 8... I am super excited for him and this time in his life! He is approaching a special time of baptism and what it means to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It freaks me out a bit to wonder if I have done all that I can to prepare and teach him what he needs to know to take on this next step, but I think he will be ready. I am proud of him and his example to his friends. He is not always perfect by any means, but he is a good kid with a great heart. He is so excited to be baptised and can't hardly wait to be a boy scout! I am thankful for this.
Saturday Thanks:
I am grateful for eating out! I had a super busy day on Saturday and after only three hours of sleep the night before. My schedule was the following: I woke up and did "mom jobs" making breakfast and cleaning up, feeding and bathing the baby,etc. From there I hit the gym with Dallin (Connor and Eli were still gone camping with Seth) I came straight home and exchanged Dallin for Connor. I hurried and got Connor's uniform and team snack together-- and from there left in still sweat drenched work out clothes to take Connor to his soccer game. Straight from the game (and still in the nasty clothes and appearance) we headed to Target to get a few sale items and buy some birthday presents for a double b-day party the kids had in a couple hours. From there I drove back home and wrapped presents and finally showered! We went to the birthday party as a family. When it was over at 5:30pm-- I was starving and exhausted! I turned to my husband and suggested we head to our favorite Mexican restaurant (Rancho Grande). I was so happy when he complied without a snide budget remark, or a gripe over having to take the three boys with us! :) It felt so good to sit down and be waited on... to eat yummy food... and not to have had to prepare it myself or worry about any of the clean up! I am thankful for the luxury to be able to eat out, and yes I do realize it is a luxury! It gave me the energy I needed to leave from there and hit two more different stores for some grocery shopping that had to be done before my day was officially over. :)
Friday, November 13, 2009
Friday the 13th, Day of Thanks
Day 12 of Thanks
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Double Trouble
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
10th day of Thanks!
Monday, November 9, 2009
9th Day of Thanks
Sunday, November 8, 2009
8th Day of Thanks
7th Day of Thanks
6th Day of Thanks
Today on the 6th of November... I am especially grateful for my Grandma McKeehan. She is 97 today. She has been a wonderful grandmother... full of spunk and life! I will always remember sneaking stale, hard oatmeal cookies from her cookie jar, drinking the unlimited supply of flat 7-up that she had stored in her refrigerator, her undying loyalty to the Oregon State Beavers, her love for golf (and to this day she still tries to get me to take it up), being stuffed to the point that my stomach hurt and then being force fed more, the best Easter egg hunts ever, the amazing doll house she made for me from her own two hands, peanut butter sundaes, being taught and playing every card game under the sun, long walks just she and I, and most of all always knowing of her love for me. To this day every time I call her... I can hear the hope and anticipation in her voice that I am just around the corner and am planning on stopping by. I truly feel my grandmother has lived her life to the fullest. She shared over 75 years of marriage to the love of her life, she has traveled the world, she is educated, she has been able to rear, love, see and know children, grandchildren and many great grandchildren. My Grandmother is an amazing woman! I am blessed to have her in my life. This I know... and am VERY thankful for!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
5th Day of Thanks
I am thankful to have had the following interaction:
Today my doorbell rang at 8:30am. To my surprise it was our cute, little 4 year old neighbor asking if Eli could play outside with him. He is not normally home during the day since both his parents work. When I asked why he was home today, he responded with a sweet little smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye and said, "I crapped too much while I was at school and now they won't let me go back." I was a bit taken by his response. I did not know whether to laugh (which is what I wanted to do), or discipline because I know his parents would not have liked the fact that he just used the word 'crap'. I must have looked kind of confused because then he politely explained to me, "You know Miss Tiffany... I went POTTY too much!!" At this point I had to laugh. :)
4th Day of Thanks
Today I had a meeting with Connor's teacher, vice principal, and speech therapist about Connor's speech therapy. Although I constantly worry over Connor's fluency and wonder if he will ever be able to speak without stuttering; I was happy to hear that the therapist thought that Connor was progressing enough to go from 3 speech sessions a week... down to two. I am so thankful at how far Connor has come! I am thankful to have help with Connor's condition and for the patience of teachers, friends, and family. As a mother this is an issue I am highly sensitive about. Nothing breaks my heart more than when I see a child (or an adult!) tease Connor over his speech. I am thankful Connor is a confident and resilient kid regardless of the stupidity of others and for the capabilities he does have! I think he is amazing!
Is It Possible?
I think we might be able to soon say good-bye to this... (the walker)
and to this... (crawling)
because last night Dallin started to up and walk! He was taking about 10 steps at a time. Don't get me wrong, crawling still seems to be his preference. But Seth did catch some great footage of the little munchkin in action, while I was out getting my haircut. (Yes, Dallin has officially chosen to hit ALL his milestones while I am gone! First crawling... now walking!) I am hoping to get some of the video posted in the next day or two.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
3rd day of Thanks
Today I am thankful for for the gym. I am thankful to have a safe place to go and exercise. I am thankful to have a healthy way to release pent up frustrations from the day. I am thankful to have some alone time and to be able to listen to my music as loud as I want without having to worry if it has any bad words in it. :) I am thankful for the way I feel after I have a good workout. I am most thankful to have a husband who is willing to put all three boys to bed by himself (without so much as a second thought) so that I could go to the gym. I love you!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sun. November, 1st:
I was so thankful to hear Connor's sweet testimony in sacrament meeting. (see previous post)
Mon. November, 2nd:
I am very grateful to be able to go to Connor's school and volunteer in the classroom/workroom once a week. It is such an awesome feeling to see Connor's face light up as he sees me walk into his classroom! I am glad to help out his teacher and it is always nice to have a break from the little ones! :) But I am most grateful to have a friend who makes it all possible. She is willing to watch my other two kids so that I can volunteer. (This includes, but not limited to, a 1 year old with some major separation anxiety which = a screaming baby for almost 2 hours straight). I am thankful that even though I have given her many outs she continues to tell me it does not bother her and to keep going. She must be a better person than I am because I can not stand a screaming baby... and it is my own! :) Thanks Kenna!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sweet Connor
If I can remember it correctly, I wanted to share and record Connor's testimony at age 7. His first experience with burying his testimony from the pulpit. He stood up on the cute foot stool the bishop put out for him and said, "I would like to bare my testimony that I know this church is true. I know Jesus loves me and I love my family. I want to go to the temple and be married in it someday. I am thankful that I can be baptized when I am 8 to wash away my sins. I want people to like me and I want to read my scriptures. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
It really was a sweet and tender moment. I was so happy for him. As soon as he came down he said, "Mom, can I go back up there and do it again?" :) I told him he could in a month. That did not seem soon enough for him. It ended up being a testimony meeting filled with the sweet testimonies of many of the primary children and it touched my heart. It is the first time in the 15 months or so that I have been here in this ward that I have ever seen that many kids get up on fast Sunday.
I personally do not care for getting up in public and speaking, and as a result almost never share my testimony in sacrament meeting. It is a sad thing. I know it was not my example that sparked the fire in Connor's heart to get up there today. I am so grateful for Mary and her consistent and steadfast example of doing what she knows is right. That little person with her big spirit made a lasting impression for me and my son today. Thank you! I hope that I, too, can be more like Mary.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trick or Treat!
Connor and Eli ready to go trick or treating! (Eli trying to do what the ninja is doing! :)
Our awesome neighbors hooked up their tractor to their 4 wheeler and pulled all the kids on their own private hayride as they trick-or-treated! We felt like Halloween royalty! :)
Unlike last year where Eli pooped out after three houses.. he was psyched and ready to go all night long! His bucket got so heavy and he never asked me to carry it once.