Saturday, November 14, 2009

#14 and #15

Sunday Thanks:

After attending a special fireside with Connor on how great it is going to be to turn 8... I am super excited for him and this time in his life! He is approaching a special time of baptism and what it means to be a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It freaks me out a bit to wonder if I have done all that I can to prepare and teach him what he needs to know to take on this next step, but I think he will be ready. I am proud of him and his example to his friends. He is not always perfect by any means, but he is a good kid with a great heart. He is so excited to be baptised and can't hardly wait to be a boy scout! I am thankful for this.

Saturday Thanks:

I am grateful for eating out! I had a super busy day on Saturday and after only three hours of sleep the night before. My schedule was the following: I woke up and did "mom jobs" making breakfast and cleaning up, feeding and bathing the baby,etc. From there I hit the gym with Dallin (Connor and Eli were still gone camping with Seth) I came straight home and exchanged Dallin for Connor. I hurried and got Connor's uniform and team snack together-- and from there left in still sweat drenched work out clothes to take Connor to his soccer game. Straight from the game (and still in the nasty clothes and appearance) we headed to Target to get a few sale items and buy some birthday presents for a double b-day party the kids had in a couple hours. From there I drove back home and wrapped presents and finally showered! We went to the birthday party as a family. When it was over at 5:30pm-- I was starving and exhausted! I turned to my husband and suggested we head to our favorite Mexican restaurant (Rancho Grande). I was so happy when he complied without a snide budget remark, or a gripe over having to take the three boys with us! :) It felt so good to sit down and be waited on... to eat yummy food... and not to have had to prepare it myself or worry about any of the clean up! I am thankful for the luxury to be able to eat out, and yes I do realize it is a luxury! It gave me the energy I needed to leave from there and hit two more different stores for some grocery shopping that had to be done before my day was officially over. :)


The Poulsen Family said...

That is going to be a really special day when Connor is baptized. He's learned from watching you and Seth to be a good example to his friends because you guys are good examples to him. Something that he will be thankful for too. I LOVE eating out, even if it's just McDonald's :) Sometimes it's the best part of the day!

Chulitamaya said...

What a busy Saturday Tiffany, so how come they didn't do that fireside when we were still in the ward? So not fear!!! I feel the same way about Victor and we will be so happy when he gets to do it.