Today I am thankful for my body. I was able to go to Connor's school and participate in the school's Turkey Trot. It was so much fun. Connor and I had a great time competing with each other. We ended up running three miles each. I was thankful that my body was able to do that because a few month back it most certainly would not. Connor got the most laps in his class and was so proud of himself. (I was too!) Never underestimate the power of competitiveness. He is not a very fast kid. He isn't slow, but I have seen him be beat many times. But he and I had a little bet going about who would beat whom today... and he was NOT about to lose to his mom! He ran ahead of my by about 25 feet the entire time... just taunting me! If i started to sprint to try and catch him... he would sprint. If I slowed down to catch my breath... he slowed down. Then when the whistle blew and you had to finish your last lap... I yelled to him that this is when I kick it in high gear... and I started sprinting. He had nothing left. I caught him quick and with the last 25 feet or so to go, I pulled ahead. He started crying; mostly because I think he was exhausted (I did not know Connor could run a mile straight let alone three!) but also because he did NOT want me to beat him after he had been beating me the WHOLE 35 minutes. I didn't have it in my heart to steal his glory... so I slowed down and grabbed his hand and we crossed together. Then, in true Pat McKeehan style... we celebrated our victory with Big Gulps! It was perfect!
How fun! You guys both rock. I couldn't walk 3 miles, let alone run 3 miles. I'm jealous!
Sappy, I know, but this post sort of made me tear up. It was like a mini-movie.
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