Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Friday morning comes and I feel (and look) even worse! My pink eye has now spread to both eyes, there is nothing pink about them... they are RED, and are starting to swell. I can't physically move anywhere with out wanting to cry (from my head pounding and body hurting). I promise a day of Rock Band (on almost mute) til Connor's heart is content. I didn't think he would go for this at all, but he actually seemed really happy about the idea! So we jammed for HOURS! I didn't have to move, was hidden from outside eyes, and I officially no longer suck at this game! It was a win-win situation for all! I can now hold my own on the guitar set on the easiest level. :)

Friday night Connor has a baseball practice (which is like hitting the jack pot for this kid) so somehow he thinks this is the "best day ever!". I didn't totally fail him after all. Seth is the assistant coach but I asked him to take Eli and let him run around unsupervised while I took Dallin with me to the minute clinic so I could get tested for Strep. Turns out the minute clinic should really be called the 800 hour clinic! The test came back negative... dangit! I was hoping some antibiotics would take care of the way I felt. I came home and SLEPT.

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