We spent a wonderful Christmas Eve among some great friends. The kids made cookies for Santa and played with their friends while the adults chatted, ate good food, and played games. It was perfect! We came home and read the Christmas story from the Bible as a family and each opened one present. The boys all got new jammies of course! :) From our clan to yours... enjoy your Christmas Eve and have a safe and merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Quit looking at the nasty hand prints on my walls... and look at how cute my boys are! ;)
Connor saw me taking pictures and wanted to be in one. Notice how he is covering his undies for the picture... so thoughtful of him! :)
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dear Santa,
Connor's letter read:
Dear Santa,
Can I go in your workshop? What do elves look like?
I want:
1. a 4 wheeler (GOOD LUCK ON THAT ONE!)
2. Sorry Sliders (We already have 'Sorry'... do we really need two different versions of the same game?)
3. a Wii (Nope. Pretty sure Santa is not bringing you that either)
4. a soccer goal
5. Video games (Probably, but they are going to be video games for your "old" consoles. IE: Play Station 3 and Nintendo DS)
6. a Science Experiment (Do we really need a second mad scientist in this family? ;)
Why didn't the elf cross the road?
Because he didn't have the reindeer. (This is a joke he made up just for Santa)
Love, Connor
Eli's letter (with Seth's help) read:
Dear Santa,
Eli has been a good boy, for the most part. Anyway, we love him and think he should get presents in spite of everything.
This is what he wants:
1. a water gun
2. water to go in the water gun. (Is this really the brother of the kid who just asked for a 4 wheeler?)
3. fruit snacks (preferably Princess ones) (Don't ask!)
4. a DS. (You do a fine job of breaking your older brother's... I don't think we need to buy a second one for you to reek havoc on.)
5. A 'Yo Gabba Gabba' Game (No idea what he is talking about... he doesn't even like the show 'Yo Gabba Gabba'. I personally just think he likes to say the words, Yo Gabba Gabba! :)
6. Presents (why can't they just all ask for this?)
Love, Eli
Afterwards Connor kept saying, "Do you think Santa will really give me a 4 wheeler AND a Wii?"
To which I respond, "No."
And then he says very excitedly, "I don't either, but I hope he does!"
I hope come Christmas morning we don't have tears and a broken heart. :(
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My Gramps
Gramps and me... 1981. (age 2)
It Snowed!
My cute little man!
Dallin didn't seem to care for the snow. He is a lot like a dog, I think. He was going nuts inside the house as he watched it fall down on the ground all day. Especially once Eli was out back and playing in it. But then once I actually bundled him up and took him out to play in it... he just wanted me to hold him. :)
Unfortunately I have no pics of Connor. Connor immediately got off the bus and started having a snowball fight with the neighborhood kids. They played out there for a good couple hours until their mitten-less hands were frozen solid. To which we invited Connor's pal, Rylan, over to spend the night, drink hot chocolate, order pizza, and watch a movie. My kind of day! :)
Friday, December 4, 2009
** Let It Snow! **
It is snowing here in Houston!! Let it snow, let it snow!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Naughty or Nice?
He whined and fussed a bit about the fact that he did not want Santa to watch him. (As he always does when I tell him this.) Clearly only the thought process of a NAUGHTY little boy. Most kids seem to like the idea that Santa will bring them presents if they are good. :)
A few hours later I went to use that same bathroom. This is what I found:
I guess Eli solved his own problem... because Santa certainly can't watch him now! ;)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
30 Days of Thanks Completed!!
I truly have become much more aware of the multiple blessings that are all around me through doing these simple posts.
But, that being said... I am also happy to start complaining again about all the things that bug me! ;)