Monday, August 31, 2009
Connor: Salami! You know that kind that is the best kind in the whole world?
Tiffany: ??? So you mean regular salami then?
Connor: No! You know the kind! The kind that Dad always sneaks and eats on Sunday afternoons when you take your nap?
So, I buy deli meats for lunches. (Seth included.) But it is expensive at practically 10 bucks a pound. Yet it seems to be Seth's favorite thing to snack on. That is an expensive snack ( if you ask me)! And we are not talking one or two slices here... we are talking I go to the fridge the next morning to make a lunch for our son... and it is all gone! It is rather annoying. So I am constantly telling Seth lunch meat is NOT a snack... to which he more than often claims he is not eating!
But the truth is out. Apparently while I am sleeping... Seth is devouring this lunch meat like it is the greatest stuff on the earth! I love you, Sweetie! :)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Eli's surgery
Sweet Eli after they brought him out to me.
When he woke up he wanted me to get in bed with him... so we laid there all day and watched a million Max and Ruby's... his favorite!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Second Grade
1st day of second grade!
Connor in his classroom... you can tell he is THRILLED to have his mom there and taking pictures. :)
Today was Connor's first day of the second grade at Lakeshore Elementary. Go Leopards! I have such high hopes for you Connor-boy! The sky is the limit. I hope you will always strive to do your best and stand for truth and right as you reach for those stars. I am so proud to be your mom. Your dad gave you a special father's blessing last night. As I watched you sit in the chair, head bowed, and arms folded-- in nothing but your undies-- I wanted to freeze time. I wanted you to stay that sweet, little boy forever. Sometimes I make the mistake of thinking you are so grown because you are the oldest. It is my prayer that you will always be able to see the potential that your mom, dad and Heavenly Father see in you! We love you! XOXO
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The big 3-0!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
NOT a Happy Camper!

Okay, why do any of us shop at Walmart? Is it because we LOVE standing in the one hour long line every time we go because they only ever have ONE cashier working while the other 853 check-outs are all closed? Or, is it the lovely produce that draws us to the store always covered in fruit flies? I know, it must be the quality of their items because it is my favorite thing to buy a SPILL PROOF sippy cup for my child only to have the juice leak straight out the bottom. No, that's not it... it's the AWESOME customer service they provide that made me once literally raise hell over 40 cents! (But don't get me started on that!!!)
Let's face it... we all keep going back to Walmart because it is hecka cheap! I can feed my family of five on a relatively reasonable budget there. And you know what my favorite buys are...what the best deals out of the ENTIRE store are? The kid friendly snacks... like the Great Value cheese crackers, graham crackers, vanilla wafers, etc. I know you all know what I am talking about! They have been selling them between $1 - $1.25 a box for years now. You can't beat it. Or at least you couldn't...
So a few weeks ago when I went to grab my GV graham crackers... I had to do a double take when I saw they were being advertised as 2 for $5! For a brief moment I thought maybe I was going crazy and I always paid that much. That is until I saw the Honey Maid brand sitting right next to them and were actually 2 cents CHEAPER. So I back tracked my way down the aisle to check the cheese crackers I had just grabbed. Sure enough... $2.50! WHAT THE ?!??! I checked all our "regulars" and every one of them had been upped by 100-150%!! I was outraged! I could not believe it. I put them all back out of protest... surely I was not going to spend that much at Walmart! If i wanted to spend that much on crackers or cookies I would go to the nice grocery stores... where they actually cater to the customers! :) So I went back again today (clearly in denial) thinking I would find it was all a big mistake some how. WRONG! So next time when you go to grab this box off the shelf... think again!
Clearly if I find this issue worthy of a blog post... I am finding it most troubling! I am torn over taking my business elsewhere. Old habits die hard. :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Museum of Natural Science
Friday, August 7, 2009
HaPpY BiRtHdAy DaLLiN!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Just your random, giant grasshopper.
I love this picture... it fits both their personalities so much! ;)
Ha! I think Chiara is trying to slyly tuck in my G's in this picture... see... THAT is what best friends are for! :)
Elizabeth and Chiara
You should be proud ladies... we partied like we were sixteen... and our old, tired bodies are now THIRTY! I already can't wait for next time!!
Day 7
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Day 6

Connor after he accomplished a pretty thrilling Indiana Jones adventure exhibit. Although, I never really understood how they figured an Indiana Jones theme fit in with the NASA space center??