Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 2

The second day we all had fun as we went to the Children's Museum in downtown Houston. It is huge and a great place for a lot of fun learning and exploring to take place on all levels, but it is always packed and be prepared to hang on to your little ones... or you just might lose them! I admit I was tired and worn out at the end just by watching all the kids run around like crazy for hours. The big crowds like that are not my cup of tea... but the kids loved it.
Ben, Josh (with his rocket he made as a nose), and Connor learning how the to earn a pay check and working at the grocery store! (about time they start giving pack to the family!)

Eli peaking out of a pirate ship -- part of the toddler area.

I think it was Joshy that got lost inside this maze and was a bit freaked out. But he sure looks happy here! :)

Eli driving a fire truck!

Dallin and Tiff in the baby area.

Dallin was nuts over this wall that was just a giant mirror. He loved seeing himself and was so amused by it for the longest time. Can you say "vain" much? ;)

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