Monday, July 20, 2009
Day 5
Day 4
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Day 3
Day 2
Washburn cousins --Day 1
The first day they were here we mostly just chilled at home and went swimming in the neighborhood pool since Seth had to work that day and we were waiting for Seth's parents to get in that night.
Oh and I almost forgot. (Sorry Kimm!) When Ephraim and Kimm showed up Thursday night after driving all day long... we fed them dinner almost immediately as they walked in the door. Well, poor Ben (age 6) apparently was a little car sick from 3 straight days of driving and not long after he ate dinner... threw up red fruit punch and broccoli and cheese soup all over the white carpet! It truly was one for the books and I wish that I had thought to take a picture!! It was so classic. Something that I totally could see happening to me as a parent and feeling horrible and just wanting to die inside! But neither Seth or I cared (as we already have a million spots of our own on this carpet and plan on ripping it up this year). Luckily for us (unlucky for our neighbors) our neighbors had just bought a carpet cleaner a couple weeks back and offered for us to use it anytime! It actually worked really well and you'd never know that there was once bright red throw up all over the white carpet! :)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Confused Connor
Totally confused I said, "Who in the world is Judy?"
"You know... it's like a police station, but for little kids!"
I had to think for a second.... then it all registered. "Oh! You mean JUVIE!" Wait. Seriously? He meant juvie??
Monday, July 13, 2009
Bear Lake
We also ran a family marathon together. Before you all start thinking I got my fat butt to run 26+ miles... think again. We ran the 26 miles in legs... between all 24 of us. (Not quite as impressive, is it! ;) Everyone was accounted for... even the babies that had to be pushed in strollers. Seth and I each ran 1.5 miles, Connor ran a mile, and E-Diddy and Dallin ran/ strolled 0.1 miles. :) It was a fun bonding experience to do it all together with everyone... and a great idea. (Yay Candace!) I don't have any pictures of this but I do have some good video footage. Maybe I will get around to posting it one day. :)
We also had fun activities like the classic family baseball game and Hawaiian day-- where I learned that Megan (my 8 yr. old neice) can do a killer Hula dance! We also saw a couple of movies, the boys went golfing once or twice, had an awesome Father's Day together, ate out a lot, played lots of board games and ate more than our fair share of "famous" raspberry shakes! I love my family and am so grateful that I consider my brothers and their wives as my some of my very best friends! It was awesome to have had this time to share with them, Destiny and my parents. I also loved that my kids had the opportunity to run wild with all of their cousins. My only wish is that we all lived closer and could do this everyday! Thanks for the great time Ryan and Heidi!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Connor's Logic
Aunt Esther jumpin on the tramp with Connor and Eli at Grandma Washburn's. Esther was a trooper and ran around with them ALL day long. No wonder they love her so much! :)
Seth lived with his Grandma the summer we were engaged. I think she holds an extra soft spot in his heart. We love you Luzon!