Monday, November 22, 2010

You know you're white trash when...

... you take your kids to the gas station to get ice cream bars for a Family Home Evening treat and suddenly realize two of your kids don't have on any shoes or socks, and one doesn't have on any pants... but y'all go inside just the same and hope no one else will notice... and no one does!!! NICE.


Chiara said...

hahahaha! That is awesome!

The Silly Witch said...

Sooooooo funny. One time I found myself at the YMCA with Quinn, shoeless. I'm pretty sure people noticed, but I was the coach and I had to stick around.

Elizabeth said...

I am just thinking how nice it would be to have it be that warm because right now it is SNOWING here!

Cris said...

LOVE IT! So funny!
