Monday, December 7, 2009

Photo Shoot

Thanks to our amazing and talented friend Jim Boud... we finally have some real family photos! If anyone wants contact info for him... let me know! :)


  1. What great pics! Tiff, you look gorgeous!

  2. Such adorable look great. Way to go! Your boys are so beautiful...or handsome, whichever you prefer. Dallin looks so old now. He's a doll.

  3. Love them! Love the boys outfits. They are great!

  4. So cute. Can you come stand in for me for my family pictures! We still just have our crappy one from Sears when Natalie was 3 months old.

  5. Great pictures! You have a really great looking family!!

  6. I hate itty bitty slide shows. Get those pictures BIG on here so I can actually see them!!

  7. Okay, I just opened up your picasa web album and looked at them that way.....

    AND OH MY GOSH YOU ARE SO FREAKING SKINNY! I'm so jealous and so proud! You are awesome!! Will you send me some of that self control...PALEASE!! They don't sell it here in Utah...or something like that?!?!

  8. Umm, Chiara... pretty sure "skinny" is not the right word. Maybe 'skinnier'? But I am not "skinny" by anyone's standard! Certainly not yours... pretty sure I out weigh you by AT LEAST a good 25 pounds!!! :)

  9. I love the photos. You are so beautiful and the kids are adorable.

  10. Tiffany! Looking good and so skinny! Austin raved about how great you look forever after he got home from Oregon.
