Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sick Eli

Poor Eli has been feeling pretty icky today. I took him into the doctor and sure enough he has an ear infection in each ear (once again). My doc promised me this is the LAST trial run with antibiotics hoping to clear it up for good, and if not... we will put tubes in his ears for the second time. My lil' pooped Eli fell asleep watching toons before his AM doctor appointment and then again in the car on the way home. I decided his little body was in definite need of a real nap today so I took him upstairs to lay him down. I started to help undress him as I know he prefers to sleep in nothing but his undies.

ELI: Sometimes my clothes hurt me when I sleep.

ME: I know Baby, that is why I am helping you take them off. (Normally I am trying to encourage him to sleep with pajamas on, but I felt so sorry for the guy... I wasn't going to put up any fight).

ELI: (In a very tired yet concerned voice.) But Mommy, Santa Claus can see me!

He never seems concerned if Santa can see him when he is hitting his little brother, or sneaking his older brother's toys... but the kid suddenly is concerned if Santa can see him in his Spiderman Underoos?!? :)

1 comment:

Cris said...

Poor Eli! I hope he gets better soon!
